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Primal News

How To Do a Kneeling Spine Wave (and why you should every day)

How To Do a Kneeling Spine Wave (and why you should every day)

With so much focus put on muscle strength, gains, and fat shredding during training, it can be super easy to forget one of the most important aspects of our health (AND the foundation for all of our gains): spinal health and flexibility. Our spine quite literally supports almost every movement we make … and having…

3 Power-Move Kettlebell Flow Workout

3 Power-Move Kettlebell Flow Workout

Yes, it really is possible to get a full-body, epic workout with solid gains utilizing just 3 power kettlebell moves. Here I break down why these moves work, how they strengthen your body more than isolated exercises and give you a video breakdown of each movement. Let’s get it! What Makes an Epic Flow At…

5 Exercises for Better Hip Mobility

5 Exercises for Better Hip Mobility

Today we’re stretching into mobility (quite literally, in fact). Specifically, we’re focusing on creating more mobile hips. But, before we dive into the moves you need to keep your hips mobile, check out why these are definitely worth your time and are extremely important to incorporate into your regime on a regular basis.   What…

20 Minute Kettlebell Flow Workout

20 Minute Kettlebell Flow Workout

Sometimes simplicity yields the best results. And while this is a concept that can be embodied in all areas of life, I find it particularly true when it comes to workouts and flows; often, it’s the simple movements, when structured and stacked the right way, that make the most impact and give the most in…

Beastly Bell Workout

Beastly Bell Workout

With all the equipment we have available to us in the gym and at home nowadays (think medicine balls, dumbbells, bands, hammers, tires, barbells, etc …) it can sometimes be easier and less stressful to simply grab one piece … and get creative with it. Of course, you all know that for me, my go-to…

Calories: The Numbers You Need To Know To Get Shredded!

Calories: The Numbers You Need To Know To Get Shredded!

Calories in, calories out. No calorie counting, just go low carb. Avoid fat, and you’ll shred fast. Let’s face it: we’ve all heard the endless variations of diets out there recommending either cutting certain macros and/or cutting calories or simply ignoring calories and eating very low carb. Like most, you’re probably wondering which path is…

Gluten-Free Primal Zucchini Pasta

Gluten-Free Primal Zucchini Pasta

The common misconception in the “diet” world is that healthy is boring; and, if it’s not boring, cooking healthy definitely takes up most of your time. Given I’ve been following a primal diet based off the Dolce Diet principles for several years now, I can say with utter honesty that this is completely false. Believe…

4 Exercises for Massive Arms

4 Exercises for Massive Arms

It’s time to let the guns out, once and for all. One of the most popular questions I get in regards to upper body is how to build massive arms and, well, I’m delivering 4 moves to do just that. Let’s put it this way: these will get your arms so pumped you’ll be praying…

5 Exercises for Better Posture

5 Exercises for Better Posture

Believe it or not, one of the most popular questions I get on a regular basis is how to improve posture. Considering most of our work now requires us to be tethered to a computer and desk most of the day, it makes sense that things may be starting to, well, slouch forward. However, even…