FREE 14-Day Intro to Primal Training Methods Course > Try It Now
FREE 14-Day Intro to Primal Training Methods Course > Try It Now

4-Week Kettlebell Gainz Program


Getting gains doesn’t have to be complicated. In this 4-week follow-along program, you’ll move through my unique progression formula while taking advantage of your available tools! If you’re ready to start packing on muscle and slaying fat, this program is your best friend.

  • In this program we’ll move through 4 weeks of workouts using a unique style of progression that is designed to lend massive gains.
  • Two versatile variations – a full scale gym version for enthusiasts who seek maximized results and a minimal equipment version for those that want to workout at the comforts of their own home.
  • Daily mobility warm ups, decompression cool downs to help you prime and recover, plus my muscle-fueling nutrition guide are included

Are you ready to get gaining? Let’s go!

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How is making gains with minimal equipment in this program possible?

Here, heavy kettlebells + savage progressive programming engage more muscle fibers, while heavy resistance bands provide continuous tension, which makes for more gains.

Rather than hitting muscles from one angle in one plane, we hit multiple angles with transformative movements, while full-body work provides the metabolic conditioning you need to shred and expose what you’ve built.

Here’s the full breakdown of what you’re getting:

  • 5 workouts per week (3 days full-body strength + 2 days kettlebell and mobility)
  • Programming outline + daily logbook
  • Bonus active recovery breakdowns
  • Comprehensive nutrition guide
  • Demo video for every exercise
  • Bonus mobility warm ups + cool downs
  • Full program calendar
  • Access to private Facebook community
  • Easy access to workouts on my Primal Fit app
  • Lifetime access to workouts!

Plus, When you sign up, you also get LIFETIME access to the 4-week program so you can repeat it as many times as you want! No time limit, it’s yours to keep!