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Sunlight And Why It’s So Important For Gains

Supplements to boost testosterone, human growth hormone, and other factors to gain more muscle aren’t exactly rare or hard to find. I’m sure you’ve taken a stroll down the supplement isle (or looked online) and seen the intense amount of protein powders, test boosters, etc … and have perhaps even tried some!

However, there’s one extremely potent and often-forgotten “supplement” that has all of these benefits, and more:


That’s right. Sunlight has some serious benefits when it comes to gains. Let’s get into them!

Sunlight: The Benefits For Gains

1. Can Boost Testosterone

Indeed: getting enough sun can actually give your T levels a boost. Studies have shown that vitamin D (the vitamin we synthesize through sun exposure) can significantly increase free testosterone levels in the body. Many studies use supplementation to achieve this affect, but getting natural sunlight still remains one of the most optimal ways to absorb vitamin D.

As you may know, testosterone plays a key role in gaining and maintaining muscle mass, as well as maintaining a lean physique. Research shows that in men with low testosterone, increasing their levels can decrease fat mass and increase their muscle size and strength. Not to mention, testosterone can also increase bone density, which will keep your skeletal system strong.

2. Can Improve Energy Levels

Interestingly, more sun exposure during the day can help improve your sleep at night. Sunlight regulates our circadian rhythms, or sleep-wake cycles, telling our bodies when it’s time to wake up. At night when it gets dark, our bodies begin to produce melatonin, the hormone that helps us fall asleep and stay asleep. By getting enough sunlight during the day, we reinforce to our bodies what time it is so that it knows when to start producing optimal amounts of melatonin.

This can result in falling asleep easier and a more restful sleep, which then equals more overall energy during your sessions.

3. Can Improve Mood

Research has also shown that sunlight exposure can boost serotonin levels, which is associated with improved mood and a sense of peace and bliss. Along with this, vitamin D is also associated with a better mood, while low levels have been linked to major depression symptoms.

Plus, the increased testosterone from sunlight exposure may also contribute to an overall mood boost while reducing fatigue and irritability.

This is more important than most people realize, since your mood can not only impact your performance during your workout … but also your entire day and life. It can quickly become difficult to continuously push yourself and strive for transformation and success when you’re feeling down or irritated.

4. Helps With Immunity And Recovery

Remember earlier when we discovered that getting enough sunlight optimizes your melatonin production? Well, this not only helps improve your sleep, but can actually help you recover more efficiently as well. Research has shown that melatonin has anti-inflammatory properties and helps accelerate tissue repair – great news for those sore, post-intense-session recovery days.

Vitamin D is also a powerhouse for your immune system, which can mean less days feeling down or sick, and more days on your A game.

When + How To Get More Sun

Now, you may be thinking, “Sunlight is sunlight, just get outside.” And while this is definitely true, research shows that getting sunlight in the morning may actually be one of the best times to sunbathe. This is because the morning sun optimizes your hormonal clock for the day and night, prepping your body for efficient hormone production throughout the day.

If you can, try to make a ritual of stepping outside in the morning when you wake up (take that coffee with you, am I right?). If the weather allows, also try to get sunlight on a good amount of your skin (wear short sleeves and shorts) so you can get a decent amount of vitamin D absorption.

However, if you don’t get sunlight in your yard or apartment in the morning, don’t sweat it: just try to get bouts of direct sunlight through your day (NOT through a window). In southern latitudes, you’ll only need between 5-15 minutes of exposure to reap benefits; in northern latitudes, you might need a little longer depending on the time of year.

Of course, you can also get in cardio or walking sessions outside to get a win-win situation going!

If you can’t get enough sun for any reason (say, you live in an extremely overcast area), be sure to get in a vitamin D3 supplement so you aren’t deficient. I like Onnit’s Vitamin D3 Spray, which is optimized for bioavailability and absorption:

You can also use code: PRIMAL at this link to SAVE on Onnit Vitamin D3

The Bottom Line

• Studies have shown that sunlight can boost testosterone (which is crucial for muscle growth)
• Sunlight can increase energy levels by regulating our circadian rhythms
• Vitamin D from the sun has been shown to boost mood, possibly leading to more motivation to hit the gym
• Try to get 5-15 minutes of sun exposure per day (possibly more if you live up north), with morning sunlight being optimal

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