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Recovery, Covered: Tips To Reduce Muscle Soreness and Joint Pain

We’ve all been here: we roll over to get out of bed after a workout, and … ouch.

Then, if the soreness is really bad, we hobble to the coffee maker, careful not to extend or move too quickly.

If you’re a beginner, intense muscle soreness and stiffness is likely common, but it also plagues even the most advanced of athletes. The reality is: if you’re growing, you’re going to be sore.

It might be the name of the game, but there are ways to reduce muscle soreness (also called DOMS, delayed-onset muscle soreness) so that it’s not at a critical level.

7 Tips To Reduce Muscle Soreness And Pain

1. Get In That Warm Up And Cool Down

I know that sometimes the warm up and cool down seem like a drag, and you just want to jump into your workout and head out afterward. However, both are equally important when it comes to avoiding extra soreness (and even injuries, in the case of warm ups).

Getting in a warm up gets your blood circulating and fluids moving so that your muscles can become more elastic and able to move through a wider range of motion. This can help prevent pulled muscles and tendons, which frankly, are more annoying than warming up will ever be.

As for cooling down, multiple studies show slowly reducing your activity level by using a cool down can result in increased performance and significant reduction in soreness.

Try the warm up and cool down circuits below during your next session:

2. Take A Cold Shower

This one makes us all cringe, but the results don’t lie: some studies have found that getting icy in the shower can reduce muscle soreness. Researchers believe that the cold water helps reduce inflammation and swelling (a big driver of pain), as well as helps release endorphins that can reduce overall pain.

If you can’t go full-on cold, try capping your shower with a cold burst: stay in for as long as you can.

3. Soak In Epsom Salts

Luckily, this one is much more comfortable! Aside from the relaxing effect of warm water, which can help loosen areas of tension, getting a dose of magnesium from the Epsom Salts may also help ease stiffness and soreness. One study on fibromyalgia patients showed that applying magnesium topically was able to reduce their pain levels.

Magnesium is a mineral most of us don’t get enough of to begin with, and it plays a huge role in muscle contractions and your nervous system. In addition to soaking, make sure you’re getting enough leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, and other magnesium-rich foods.

4. Eat More Mushrooms

Yep, it’s strange, but there is evidence that polysaccharides and other compounds found in mushrooms can help combat inflammation, which could reduce soreness. Not to mention, they are also rich in free amino acids that can help with repair, as well as vitamin D, which has been shown to reduce pain levels.

Saute up some cremini, shiitake, button, lion’s mane, chanterelles, etc … the list goes on, and each have a unique flavor profile (obviously, just don’t eat mushrooms you’ve picked in the wild unless you’ve identified them as edible).

5. Get Enough Sleep

Getting quality sleep is the foundation of recovery, simply because it’s so crucial for full-body repair. When we rest, our body gets to work at healing, and research has even shown that lack of sleep can increase inflammation levels (the opposite of what you want). Get those 7-8 hours, and if you’re having trouble sleeping, try supplementing with magnesium or drinking chamomile tea. Also, make sure to remove as many sources of light in your room as possible, as even the tiniest amount can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

6. Foam Roll

This one can bring a grown man to tears, but it’s worth it: studies show that foam rolling for 20 minutes post-workout can decrease swelling, enhance tissue repair, and reduce muscle tenderness. This is because applying pressure to a muscle or tissue (the technical term is self-myofascial release) encourages the muscle to relax, allowing in more blood flow, nutrients, and oxygen in order to promote repair.

7. Try CBD

One of my favorite ways to ease muscle pain and decompress is by using TerraVita CBD muscle and joint paint relief cream, plus soaking in their CBD-infused muscle soak espom salts. This combo never fails to get me feeling relaxed, and it eases pain in my muscles and helps me get some nice deep sleep.

If you want to step up your recovery game with CBD, then click here. You can get hooked up with 30% off using my code “PRIMAL30.”

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