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Can Nitric Oxide Foods And Supplements Really Boost Performance?

The land of supplements is a wild west at first glance: where do you even start? The options are endless, and the rumors of what works are even more so.

Welp, we’re going to keep it simple here and take things one at a time, focusing on a “supplement” that has some great research behind it: nitric oxide.

Let’s jump in.

What Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide is a molecule produced by nearly every cell in your body and plays a huge role in blood vessel health. It’s a potent vasodilator, encouraging your blood vessels to open wider so that more blood and oxygen can move through. This is the main reason nitric oxide supplements are taken, since enhanced circulation can give performance and recovery a boost. Nitric oxide supplements don’t contain nitric oxide, however; they actually contain compounds that stimulate your body’s own production.

Benefits Of Nitric Oxide

Because of nitric oxide’s abilities as a vasodilator, many of its benefits relate to performance. Let’s see what it has to offer.

1. Can Increase Circulation And Boost Recovery

Blood flow is ultra-important in terms of performance. When our blood vessels are dilated, blood, nutrients, and oxygen flow easier and faster to your muscles, while decreasing the demand on your heart to pump harder (p.s.: this can also translate into lower blood pressure). When oxygen and nutrients are optimally delivered, your muscles can perform more efficiently, as well as carry away byproducts more efficiently, such as lactic acid.

Not to mention, higher nitric oxide levels may lessen muscle soreness and boost recovery after intense workouts. Studies have shown that people who received citrulline malate supplements (which can increase nitric oxide production), reported 40% less muscle soreness at 24 and 48 hours after exercise, compared to those who took the placebo.

All of this can equal a swole(er) session.

2. May Improve Energy During Workouts

Studies have also shown that increasing your nitric oxide levels can reduce oxygen depletion after intense exercise, while also improving the function of mitochondria, which produce our energy. This can result in less perceived effort and better breathing during exercise.

Other studies have showed participants who increased nitric oxide levels increased the number of reps to failure, highlighting an increase in their muscle stamina.

3. Can Boost Stamina During High-Intensity Sessions

We all want to go stronger for longer, and nitric oxide might be one of the keys to the kingdom. Other impressive studies reveal taking a supplement to boost nitric oxide levels can allow people to exercise up to 20 percent longer (!) and could produce a 1-2 percent improvement in race times.

Professor Andrew Jones, from the University’s School of Sport and Health Sciences, said:

“The research found that when the dietary supplement was used there was a striking increase in performance by altering the use of oxygen during exercise.”

4. Creates Sick Muscle Pumps

There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a sick muscle pump after a session, and nitric oxide will provide: since it’s a vasodilator, your veins will widen and be more visible, and your muscles tighter. This can spark extra motivation to push harder as well!

Where To Get Nitric Oxide

Remember: nitric oxide supplements are actually supplements that contain ingredients that help boost your body’s own production of nitric oxide – they don’t contain nitric oxide itself.

One of the most widely studied and powerful nitric oxide boosters is actually beets. You can and should definitely eat them, but you can also use beet powder supplements for convenience (just be sure there’s no added preservatives and/or chemicals and sugars in the one you choose).

Other foods that may lend a boost are: celery, spinach, lettuce, and arugula.

Also, the amino acid L-arginine and L-citrulline are commonly found in nitric oxide boosting supplements and studies.

I prefer to use Onnit’s Total Nitric Oxide blend to get a mixture of these ingredients for optimal nitric oxide production. Check the code below to save:

Use code: PRIMAL to save on Onnit’s Total Nitric Oxide, filled with the most bioavailable sources of nitric oxide, including fermented beets and citrulline here.

The Bottom Line

• Nitric oxide is a compound produced by the body that dilates blood vessels, increasing oxygen and nutrient transport.
• Vasodilation may increase performance by optimizing oxygen and nutrient intake and flow.
• Nitric oxide supplements contain ingredients, like beetroot, that help boost nitric oxide production.